Ghost Series Daytime Swordfish Rod

The "Ultimate" daytime sword fishing rod! This composite blank has incredible action and sensitivity in the front section backed with strength and lifting power in the back end. Constructed with Winthrop Tool roller guides and unmatched craftsmanship, these rods not only help land more fish, but also a head turner at the dock!

Ghost Series Custom rods are built with the highest quality components available in the world.  Built in the USA

Length Tip to top of reel seat-74"

Guides-Winthrop Tackle, triple wrapped on rods

Top-Winthrop Tackle roller

Butt-#4 Stuart IGFA bent butt Silver

Grip-EVA with hand cut finger positions

This rod is designed for Daytime Sword Fishing and Giant Bluefin Tuna Fishing.

Please note the blank color from the factory is a maroon/red, not standard black. Custom blank colors can be painted as well as other custom options. Please call or email the shop to discuss options.