Bonita Fold-Over*

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Made from the best Bonita slabs available thinned down, folded over and rigged backwards. This allows the water to flow over the bait with the grain of the meat keeping the bait in tact for longer periods of time. Excellent bait choice for Daytime Sword Fishing in areas with stronger currents. Rigged on 6ft of 300lb leader on single non-stainless Mustad or VMC 10/0 hook (availability does vary).


*Requires the minimum frozen bait shipping option. This is the minimum charge for ground orders only and must fit in our small bait coolers, holds UP TO 24 baits. Quantities may vary based on baits chosen. Shipping prices vary State by State. The Shipping Address provided on the website will dictate your shipping options. For special shipping options or orders over the 24 bait max please contact the shop directly.